Center-Based Services pertain to individualized applied behavior analysis (ABA) sessions for children and adolescents at a center instead of an in-home setting. In these services, board-certified behavior technicians involve themselves with patients as they abide by the Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs).

As your trusted Center-based ABA services provider, we usually recommend such services when a child needs:

  • A controlled environment that is unavailable in their home setting
  • A different environment that’s conducive to generalizing the skills they acquired in one setting to the next
  • An avenue where they’re exposed to other individuals to hone their communication and social skills
  • Supplementary support to overcome behavioral issues

Center-based services offer many benefits, such as:

  • Assigning patients by age and functioning level (when necessary) to foster better opportunities for socialization and play dates
  • Providing a generalized setting wherein patients can practice their new skills in a different environment
  • Offering supervision and mentoring services by Board Certified Behavior Analysts present at the center
  • Providing opportunities to interact with new toys and learning materials
  • Offering respite for the patient’s parents or primary caregivers since the center hones their child’s skills